Sunday, November 23, 2008



Anagram is re-arranging the letters in the word such that it gives a different meaning word. Eg. syrup and pyres.

The problem is to  find all the anagrams in the english dictionary. The best solution I found is in the Jon Bentley's book  Programming Pearls  book.

Here is the algorithm:

Step 1 : Arrange each words in the dictionary in an order(Alphabetic), this gives the signature of the word.
Step 2 : Then sort these signature along with the word.
Step 3 : The words with the same signature are the anagrams.

signature( The word sorted in Alphabetical order)
signature with words,
Anagram, words with same signature
alp pal

alp  lap
pal lap
act  cat

We will use the unix philosophy for solving this problem .

Unix philosophy states:
Write programs that do one thing and do it well. Write programs to work together. Write programs to handle text streams, because that is a universal interface.

We will write a  c++ program to generate the signature and the word pair, use the unix sort program to sort the signatures and use AWK script to extract the words with the same signature. The resulting words are the anagrams.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <iterator>
#include <algorithm>
bool charComp (char i, char j)
 return (i < j);
int main (int argc, char * const argv[])
 std::string signature;
 std::ifstream file;
 std::istream_iterator<std::string> inputItr;
 if(argc > 1)
  inputItr = std::istream_iterator<std::string>(file);
  inputItr = std::istream_iterator<std::string>(std::cin);
 for (; inputItr != std::istream_iterator<std::string>(); inputItr++)
   signature = *inputItr;
   // Sort the word in alphabetical order
   std::sort(signature.begin(), signature.end(), charComp);
   // Print the signature of the word and the word
   std::cout << signature << "  " << *inputItr   << std::endl;
 return 0;
The program reads the words as the string either from file or through the standard input. Then sorts  each word alphabetically which makes the signature of the word and prints the signature and the word.

The sort program will sort the output of the program. It arranges the words with same signature next to each other. The command looks like this:

~ Shankar$ cat /usr/share/dict/words |tr [A-Z] [a-z]| ./Anagram |sort

Here cat is feeding the words in the dictionary to the anagram program. The words are all converted to lower case before feeding by tr. The anagram program will print the signature of each word along with the word onto standard output like this:

aaaabcilllz  calabazilla
aaaabcl  alcaaba
aaaabcllmnrtu  antambulacral

The AWK filter  program prints the words with the same signature on a line.

#!/usr/bin/awk -f
# Shankar Chakkere (
# Given the input of the form
#    signature word
#    prsu  spur
#    prsuu  usurp
#    prsuy  pursy
#    prsuy  pyrus
#    prsuy  syrup
#    prsuyy  syrupy
#   .......
# print all the words which has the same signature
#   pursy pyrus syrup
# which are anagrams.
function saveState(state)
 prevSignature = $1;
 prevWord = $2;
 matched = state;
 if (NR == 1)
 # for all the lines greater than 1
 # print the previous word if its signature had matched
 if($1 == prevSignature)
 printf("%s ",prevWord);
 # print the previous word if its signature had matched.
 # This is the last word of the anagram list, so print line feed
 if(matched == 1)
 printf("%s\n ",prevWord);

Tying them all together:

~ Shankar$ cat /usr/share/dict/words |tr [A-Z] [a-z]| ./Anagram |sort |./printAnagram.awk

Will print the list of anagrams on to the standard output.


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